Monday 20 October 2014


So autumn has finally arrived! YAY! Autumn is my favourite time of the year, all the cosy jumpers, candles, baths, hot chocolates and sitting by the hot fire, what's not to love! It's also the beginning of the run up to Christmas, which is the most exciting time ever!

As I does get a bit colder I sort out my wardrobe to get all my warm winter clothes out and put away all my hot summer clothes for next year! So when does it comes to the make-up and fashion side of autumn - the deep dark lipsticks come out, the deep dark clothes, the winter boots, the UGG's, the bobble/beanie hats all make there way out the bottom of the make-up draws and the bottom of my clothes draws and end up the most important things ever and they never leave my sight!

My favourite things to do on an autumn night are:
Have a hot lush bath, drink a hot chocolate or cup of tea, watch made in Chelsea, catch up on YouTube videos, light a few candles and sit by the blazing fire. I don't tend to do these things on a daily basis as I am usually busy half the time so end up watching YouTube and drinking a hot drink while in bed!

Also a few nights in the autumn I tend to have a few take-aways for tea (naughty naughty...) either a Chinese or Indian, but you can't not have take-aways in the autumn!


See you soon

Tasha xx